If your child is starting 1st Grade in September, you may register your child to begin the Sacramental Preparation, which is a two-year program, in the Fall of 2024 to make the Sacrament of First Holy Communion in the Spring of 2026. To Register, please click on the button below.
Students in Grade 7 and higher are eligible to prepare to make their Confirmation in the Spring of 2026. The Sacramental Preparation is a two-year program. To Register, please click on the button below.
Faith in the family
The Church recognizes that the primary teachers of faith are a child's parents. Children believe and live what they hear and see from their parents and they are most absorbent in those years before school and religious education even begin.
If you want your faith to be a part of your child's life, it is important that they see and hear you pray and live out your faith.
Don't know where to begin? Don't worry--it is never too late to start. Here are some ideas that could jump start your family's relationship with God:
It is thus in the love between husband and wife and between the members of the family-a love lived out in all its extraordinary richness of values and demands: totality, oneness, fidelity and fruitfulness that the Christian family's participation in the prophetic, priestly and kingly mission of Jesus Christ and of His Church finds expression and realization. Therefore, love and life constitute the nucleus of the saving mission of the Christian family in the Church and for the Church. (Familiaris Consortio paragraph 50)